Monday, July 10, 2017

Professional Musings of an old Maverick!

Business Development Executives – Triggering the real YOU!
Part - I

Welcome to my world!

Business Development Executives or professionals, commonly called BDEs in most organizations play very key roles in successfully taking the company’s products to the market in order for the organization to perpetually exist in a profit zone. Ask any Entrepreneur and he or she will never undermine the importance of their BDE Teams!

However, Business Development is a highly planned activity and not only involves a series of strategic thought provoking exchanges, but also involves the very nexus of the mentality of the BDE in relation to two very important attributions: Personal and Professional. When these two attributions are explored and blended into an awesome mix, the result can be an awe-inspiring enhanced performance of the Executive! 

The idea behind my series of blogs beginning with this one is to reach out to BDE ‘Gladiators’, as I would fondly like term you all (being one myself for almost 4 decades) that exist across the world and to share with each one of you my thoughts and experiences from a mere Management Trainee to a Corporate CEO while taking you on a journey from the flagging cabin to the front engine of a Business Development ‘locomotive’ so to speak!

And as we chug along, I will attempt to address as many issues that I normally do throughout all my workshops I have been hosting for BDEs over the years. There are several ‘Triggers’ that enable BDEs to become exemplary in their professional work and contribution to the organizations they belong to. Most of the key takeaways that each one of you will be able to establish for yourselves from the series of my blogs are ones that I have discussed, enlightened and empowered many a BDE attending my workshops, searching for his or her place in the sun.

But why am I calling them ‘Triggers’ and not anything else? That’s because, knowledge triggers the mind to contemplate, mentally experience what it’s trying to portray and to take advantage of its content. Of course, you also have the option to just merely discard it as some mumbo-jumbo willy-nilly being shared by an old professional Maverick like me!

In the next blog, I will be covering important aspects of Leadership from Within followed by other blogs on Personal and Professional Attributes that form the awesome mix I am talking about. So do visit this blog same time next Monday and let’s journey together…

PS: Those of you who would like to reach out to me on a personal level to take you on a one-on-one journey are most welcome to email me:

Anand K Nair
Leadership & Motivational Speaker. Mentor. Counselor. Author. Educationist. Business Consultant.

Anand Nair Leadership Foundation

Managing Director,
AGNI Leadership Centre P Ltd

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